Figuring being out isn't always easy

Sometimes it makes me unsettled and queazy

As it can be excruciatingly disheartening

While at the very example illuminating

Life is brimfull of paradoxes and principles

Not all are swiftly digestible

Some change direction your tum and come across detestable

Dealing with empire who are reprehensible

Problematic and incomprehensible

Life beyond any doubt is a challenge

Just hard to resource your mental stability

Internally be in possession of your inner self in tranquility

Sustain yourself financially

While discovering and fulfilling your destiny

Balancing your energy relationally and professionally

Keeping yourself and one and all other happy

That seems like-minded a reliable impossibility

Yet aware near discontents in disharmony

Who lament and toss a commiseration party

Is a burden unbearable

It makes life span sometimes deplorable

Perhaps I should committee a design and go global

Say farewell to this nonsense

That seems confusing and makes no sense

But after there is the ongoing battle

Between the condition for intimacy and privacy

Such contradictions are too thorny for me

Perhaps near is a element spiritually

That inwardly unsocial will square me

If that is so, than locomote quickly God Almighty

And fill me with your wisdom, power, and love

Set my affections and bosom on property above

For that which I settlement near present below

Is commonly nada more than a vain show

Life is rather the rat race, e'er on the go

Surely nearby is more than to this than meets the eye

To transfer on like-minded this day by day is to incessantly cry

Therefore unseal up the skies and dispatch your glory

To uncover to me your ways and revision my go story

Life's complexities are too some for me

Come quickly and reform me

To be the man I ought to be

Or to be vivaciously homey next to me

Regardless of how others quality more or less me

Settle my soul and sort me whole

For the weather of time are fetching their toll

On this preteen man's cherished spirit.


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